Community reaction to patch 10.5: A “heavenly version” for Top Lane

Remove annoying champions and increase the strength of Fighters.

Version 10.5 has a lot of nice tweaks, such as continuing to buff some Junglers or editing the Top Lane and Support items. Let’s find out more about this!

Akali has been buffed, but in ARAM and it also reduces incoming damage.

– In a few years, we’ll see Akali get 100% damage reduction in ARAM, but it’s still too weak.

– Meta Tank Akali in ARAM.

– Actually, Akali in ARAM is not too weak either, even stronger than Summoner’s Rift now when not using Q to clear Minions.

Thought there was some good news, it turned out that Akali only got buffed in ARAM

This patch Top Lane is nicely fixed, heaven is here:

– Blade of the Ruined King is buffed to Melee Champions.

– Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra have been buffed without increasing their cost.

– Sett and Ornn got nerfed.

– Cancer Supporters with Spellthief’s Blade laning Top also disappear 100%.

Trundle, Tryndamere or Jax are the names that get many benefits from these items buff.

Prepare for the Darius Jungle meta, he got too much buff!

– In fact, Darius mid lane is sometimes even more terrible, constantly going out to harass the enemy’s Raptor and can even take it alone.

– Still the drawback is that clearing the jungle slowly and ganking are also weak, so it doesn’t work much.

– Riot said that low-ranked players got chosen unintentionally to the position of Jungler, there is still an easy-to-play champion that they may already know, so there have been a series of changes to the Jungler champions recently.
