Decipher the mystery of 3 new champs: Does ADC have a combo system like Devil May Cry?

It is likely that League of Legends will receive more special champions in both backgrounds and tactics.

League of Legends introduced 3 new champions,

Decipher the mystery of 3 new champs: Does ADC have a combo system like Devil May Cry?

1. Dreams of a New Jungler

2. An Out of Body Experience

3. Calling All Thrill-Seekers

One of the key pieces of information about the upcoming champion launch schedule is that Riot Games wants to launch at least six new champions in a year — one champion each, except the mid lane where they will be targeted. This year, they pointed to 3 new champions with the vague description analyzed below:

Dreams of a New Jungler

The first champion to be introduced as a jungler, this is a good sign for gamers because it has been a long time since Riot Games designed a champion for this position. Starting with the image of the forest above, we can see that this is an extremely peaceful, well-developed forest, even with the pink leaves, we can relate to the sacred forest used to be mentioned in the video about Akali and Shen not long ago.

mystery of 3 new champs

Most likely, this will be the next Ionia champion to join League of Legends.

In a post about the new champions development roadmap for 2020, Riot Games constantly uses phrases related to a “deer-like creature” including: “hovering”, fawn over (fawn means a child little deer), until “hilarious”.

Meaning the upcoming champion may belong to the Vastayah tribe, namely a creature half-human and half-deer.

mystery of 3 new champs

Riot Games has also determined that this will be a female champion, so we can also guess that part of her appearance is similar to Enchantress of Dota 2 or Lunara of Heroes of the Storm.

Besides, a part of this champion’s skill has also been revealed, maybe she will have the same mechanism as Zoe’s E before. At the same time the ability to shoot a gem at great distances to roll to the enemy.

An Out of Body Experience

From these facts, we can predict that this killer champion will have a mechanism like a shadow or a clone and it can also interact with the skill set as a self.

Description: “I’m holding two weapons. I recognize one of them, and the presence inside me recognizes the other. I temper my rising anger into something cold, like the steel in hand. Suddenly I feel a spiritual tug from the direction of the masked figure — from me? The tug becomes a yank, and I feel my subconscious pulled toward my body, accelerating until — I slam into it!” to suggest a skill that glides at the shadow and has some control effect when bumped?

mystery of 3 new champs

There is not much about the assassin covering this face, but different from what many people think when considering the reveal of this champion and immediately affirming this is a Darkin because he has a pitiful and magical appearance like Aatrox or Varus.

Next, we know that this champion is also from Ionia, the image introduced above helps us know this. The most special feature in introducing this hero is that it is like a monologue, the character who senses the masked person from afar is himself, this champion holds a weapon and that person also feels OK. Even characters are pulled back to the masked person or myself.

mystery of 3 new champs

Even though his biography is about two weapons he’s familiar and unfamiliar with, he is possessed by something in his body. Riot Yichao has confirmed that this champion is not Darkin.

mystery of 3 new champs

The mask didn’t say too much about his personality or appearance. So it may take a while for us to know who they are because he will accompany the champions to the Dream Jungle above to LoL in the upcoming July event.

Will the new ADC have a combo scoring system?

There aren’t as many facts as the other two champions, but we still have a bit of a description of this new champion with maybe “Do you like to laugh in the face of danger? Do you enjoy stringing together abilities, creating stylish new combos? Does the idea of diving straight into the fray, firing a whirlwind of blades and bullets, then hopping back out with a sliver of health excite you?”.

Riot Games is about to rework Mundo and release new champs

So the new champion will possess the ability to use two weapons, Sword and Gun, and the ability to survive or move flexibly. At this point, we can not help but think of the character Dante of the Devil May Cry game series.

mystery of 3 new champs

A notable detail in the description of the third champion in 2020 of League of Legends is Do you like to laugh in the face of danger? Do you enjoy stringing together abilities, creating stylish new combos? Does the idea of diving straight into the fray, firing a whirlwind of blades and bullets, then hopping back out with a sliver of health excite you?”.

Upon hearing this information, many gamers around the world immediately think of the famous Devil May Cry series and the iconic Dante character. Because “cool”, using both swords and guns to create beautiful combos is the most accurate description of the character and this game series.

mystery of 3 new champs

Besides, the gif with additional sequences of F, E, D, I, R, A, S also somewhat confirms this hypothesis. Because this is a combo style gauge that often appears in Devil May Cry, the more you can perform difficult combos to attack enemies, the higher your score will be.

Riot Squad5 himself – the designer of the new champion also said the style grading scale will appear as a separate mechanism of this new ADC champion.