A broken strategy to detect disguised Neeko was found in League of Legends

LoL players have discovered that they can easily detect whether there is a disguised Neeko nearby–and they can do it instantaneously with the press of a button

Since her debut, Neeko has been one of the most unusual champions in League of Legends. Her kit is intended to play mind tricks on the player rather than outplay them mechanically, and her unique disguise ability has resulted in some amusing problems.

However, players have found a new strategy to counter her disguise now that she can transform into literally anything on the map.

Image via Riot Games

League players found a way to counter Neeko’s disguise

League of Legends players have discovered that even if Neeko is disguised, her presence will still be displayed on the scoreboard. This implies that if there isn’t a question mark over her symbol and she isn’t visible on the map, she’s been disguised in some way that the team still has a vision to it.

Because the scoreboard is only one button (Tab) away, recognizing a disguised Neeko becomes much easier.

There’s significant discussion about whether this is an intentional feature that Riot determined should be in the game, or if it’s a bug that was introduced following her mid-scope update.

Image via Riot Games

Given some of the other issues Neeko has introduced to the rift, it wouldn’t be shocking if this was an oversight that will be addressed shortly.

But, for the time being, we’re hoping it sticks around long enough for players to stop crossing when there are too many minions in the lane.