Divine Sunderer: 1 Of The Best Items in Patch 11.11

From Bruisers like Wukong, Gnar to ADCs like Senna and Ezreal all became extremely strong in Patch 11.11 with the Divine Sunderer.

Among the Mythical items for Bruisers, the Divine Sunderer proved to be the most inferior item before Patch 11.11. In terms of direct healing or mobility, this item is completely weaker than the Goredrinker and the Stridebreaker. However, everything changed in the latest Patch when the Divine Sunderer suddenly became an extremely popular item. It even entered the top 5 most purchased equipment in League of Legends according to LeagueofGraphs.

The biggest reason for this change is that the Divine Sunderer was buffed directly in Patch 11.11. Specifically, the target’s maximum health damage from the Spellblade effect has been increased to 12% from 10% as before. Moreover, the healing ability of this item is also buffed in both melee and ranged champions. Therefore, it has become an extremely powerful weapon when providing an outstanding amount of damage and healing.

Not stopping there, the Divine Sunderer is also extremely supported by the meta when the tanky bruiser’s champions are gaining more popularity at the moment. By acquiring the Goredrinker or the Stridebreaker combined with Sterak’s Gage, they can reach more than 2000 HP at the early stage. In order to counter that, the Spellblade effect of D.S will deal more than 200 damage with a cooldown of 1.5 seconds and provide powerful damage over time ability.

In addition, the good thing about Divine Sunderer is that the ability to recover from this equipment is almost unstoppable. For example, with equipment with other Spellblade effects like Essence Reaver, if your skills or attacks are blocked, this item cannot restore mana. However, the healing ability of D.S is still activated in those cases. Therefore, champions using it are very rarely fully countered in the match.

It is for the above reasons that the Divine Sunderer is becoming an extremely hot item and is used on many generals. For top lane Bruisers: Camille, Wukong, or even Gnar make good use of all the stats of this item. Not to mention that the Divine Sunderer helps the above names to counter their counterparts of the enemy team. From there, it can open up an extremely strong snowball situation for your team.