Doublelift’s Disclosure about Used to Be SKT T1 Invite to Join

After retirement, Doublelift can comfortably talk about remarkably events in his career

He used to reject the opportunity to compete League of Legends in Korea in 2011. Before inviting from STK T1, he has pondered and decision stay NA

In a recent stream, Doublelift told quite detailed about this transfer


Reapered, former coach of C9, at that time suggestions he joins SKT T1 S. He plays in Bot Lane with Wolf


Reapered also explain SKT T1 S and SKT T1 K. Besides, he also said wild have Mid Lane and Jungle join. Most likely H0R0 and MighTiLy, two former players of SKT T1 S.

However, this reasons for his decision to stay in North America is of the salary:

“The salary is going to be $2,000 a month,” he said. “I thought about it and I was like ‘2k a month? I think I’m gonna pass on that one.’”

“What would have my career been like if I fucking played there? Honestly. I probably would have retired way faster,”

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