Doublelift weighs in on the controversial 2-week LCS delay and player walkout

NA Legend Doublelift clarified his thoughts on the recent LCS walkout debacles on live on stream

If it comes down between prolonging the walkout or playing, Doublelift would opt to play LCS Summer (and Worlds)

Widely regarding as one of the 2 greatest players in North American League of Legends history, Doublelift is widely influential in the scene and holds a sway over the consensus among NA pros. He’s also very outspoken and never hesitated to voice his opinions publicly on contentious topics. Here’s what he had to say about the current LCS situation:

With that, Doublelift had positioned himself diagonally from the LCS Players Association responsible for the walkout. It is likely that most pros would follow his footsteps and choose to continue playing LCS Summer after the 2-week delay. The stakes are simply too high; should LCS be delayed any longer NA would stand to lose their spot at Worlds 2023 which needless to say would be devastating to the scene and the players.

Hopefully Riot and LCSPA can reach an amicable compromise during these 2 weeks of negotiations.

via Riot Games