Doublelift: “Only psychopath would enjoy playing top lane”

One of TSM greatest players, Doublelift agreed with Tyler1 stated that top lane is the hardest role in League of Legends.

Tyler1 comments regarding the difficulties of League of Legends roles prompted Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng, a TSM caster and eight-time LCS champion, to respond, claiming that “only psychopaths” play top lane. Despite being best known for his bot lane antics, he used his knowledge of the game to claim that why top lane is the most difficult role in League of Legends.

Doublelift said that top lane is the hardest role to play in league of Legends

During his stream, he took some time to respond to Tyler1’s comments about role difficulty. Tyler1 recently made news when he achieved Challenger level on mid lane, his fourth role.

“Mid lane is so…Mickey Mouse, cupcake, compared to top lane,” Tyler1 stated. Doublelift then agreed with what Tyler1 had said, he even went deeper into explaining why this is the case.

“Top lane is the most punishing and disgusting role in the game, if you get f*cked top lane then you are f*cked for the rest of the game. If the enemy jungler does not want you to play the game, you cannot play the game. If you get counter-picked top lane, you cannot f*cking breathe, you will just get completely bullied for the rest of the game.”

Doublelift talked about top lane being so difficult to play

He went on to explain that the majority of the misfortune that befalls a toplaner is beyond their control. “It’s up there with AD Carry in terms of, only psychopaths would enjoy top lane. I think both top lane and AD Carry are really really hard, mentally.”

Till now, what role is the hardest one in League of Legends is still a debatable question. Some players in high elo even assume midlane is the hardest since it requires the broadest skilllset and you need to be able to do everything, while low elo players tend to think it’s “cupcake”, like what Tyler1 said.