Doubt: Timi Copies Skills of 4 LoL champions to Develop a New Champion

All four of these champions have a common point is to use combat and support from their pets.

Timi Copies Skills of 4 LoL champions to Develop a New Champion

After announcing the 100th Champion in Kings of Glory in official version, Timi one more time made fan community discuss when they added the new Champion in test server.

For the players of the Arena of Valor, they always look for information about the special abilities that new champions possess. Remember that almost the Arena of Valor champion is also inherited from the Kings of Glory. But to the Kings of Glory players and the League of Legends, they feel like something has gone wrong.

Timi copies skills

Recently, when the champion’s skill information appeared, the Kings of Glory community in China had boisterous discussions.

Most of them were amazed when Timi copied too much content. It is guess that new in the abilities to support and attack of the new champion are derived from the skill of a series champions League of Legends: Ivern, Nunu, Kled, and Annie.

1. Passive of Ivern

The passive of Ivern in the League of Legends is using HP and Mana to create a grove of trees. The Groves grow over time and can be clicked again to free up the inhabitants of the monster beach, while carrying gold and experience to Ivern.

Timi copies skills

For the new champion of Kings of Glory, this champion just came close and used the tree roots to gather the jungle’s monster. As the jungle’s monster disappeared, this champion would enjoy the full benefits that other champions have to attack to gain.

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2. Kled’s ability

Kled has a trustful friend, Skaarl with his own HP bar and he is only damaged when they go together. When Skaarl’s HP bar runs out, this dinosaur will run away and let Kled fight himself.

The champion of Kings of Glory has a pet that also possesses such separate HP bars. When the pet is out of HP, the champion will fight alone.

3. W of Nunu

In League of Legends, Nunu and his pet Willump travel everywhere. With W, Willump starts rolling a snowball that gradually increases in size and speed.

It’s against the wall, the enemy champion or the terrible will inflicted damage and hit nearby enemies. The second skill of Timi is similar to that.

4. Annie’s R skill

Annie of League of Legends can summon Tibbers out, causing damage to the affected area. Tibbers can fight and set fire to the enemies around.

Timi copies skills

This champion’s ultimate also helps to take the same action. This pet will then go up with physical damage and hit the enemies, moreover, it also possesses a lot of buffs from the jungle monsters.