Easter eggs behind League of Legends splash arts that you might have missed.

After its 10 years history of developing, if you are a fan of League of Legends, you can easily recognize that Riot has an awesome ability in setting up Easter Eggs everywhere in the game. Whether it’s a small sign in the map, or in voice line of certain champions that can predict about something new that is coming under the way, they always have their own way to surprise us.

The same thing can be applied when it comes to splash arts. Splash arts are not just a great place for developers to hide their Easter Eggs, but they are also great to give us hints about the relationships between the champions or items. But different from map and voice line, Easter Eggs in splash arts are not easy to recognize, here are the list of some Easter Eggs that you might have missed.

Bird of Prey Anivia is holding Philosopher’s Stone – an old item was removed since patch 3.14

Behind Arcade Miss Fortune is “old” Gangplank – his version before the rework

Now we know that Piltover Customs Heimerdinger is the creator of Hot Rod Corki’s plane

It was El Tigre Braun who get knocked out by Knockout Lee Sin. We can also see Mafia Graves, Mafia Miss Fortune and Mafia Jinx in the crowd behind him.

Behind AstroNautilus was Astronaut Teemo

Garen’s shade appeared in Jarvan IV’s splash art

Meme “The look of denial” appeared in Iron Solari Leona splash art

In Master Chef Tahm Kench splash art, we can see a Poro trying to reach the key and also a Scuttler Crab lying on the chopping board

In Hazmat Heimerdinger splash art, we can see his face on his boots and on the explosion, while there was also a teddy bear that was inspired from the series “Breaking Bad”.

Garen and Katarina toy figures appeared in Dino Gnar splash art.

Old Baron’s skull appeared in Headhunter Rengar splash art.

Old Tyrant Swain, Zac and Talon also appeared in Battle Bunny Riven splash art.

Read more: https://notagamer.net/tahm-kench-and-shurima-suddenly-appeared-in-valorant/