Ekko used to be Able to Bring Enemies Along Using His Ultimate, The Concept of Rework Evelynn naked and Many Other Ideas That Have Been Removed (P2)


Do you think Diana’s new skillset after being edited is strong? In fact, this is her first skill set in the development process after nerf! All skills are the same, except for R – Moonfall.

After using, Diana will darken the surrounding area, she will try her best to turn the waning moon into a full moon. After casting a spell, Diana will tear the surrounding area and deal true damage based on a stack of “scornful”.

However, Riot Games soon realized this skill was almost impossible to overcome, so temporarily switched it to E skill when Diana was released.


During development, Ekko’s R – Chronobreak works properly according to its name. He can use his ultimate to bring his enemies back to previous time, however, in actual combat, this makes the 10 people on the map feel confused and cancer.


Bard is also developed in parallel and possesses ult ultimate that can make all map champions can not be used skill or attack. Combined with Ekko, both have created the most discomfort in the universe. And then, Riot Games have to kill both of these super-hyped ultimate ideas.


In this 2017 remake of the champion, Riot Games is expected to make Evelynn look scarier and look like a real devil than ever with dozens of spider legs, worshipped with cracked skin, where the ball darkness poured out, also with deep black eyes.

In retrospect, for some reason, Riot Games turned Evelynn into a monster with pleasure sadism. The thinking of Riot Games really … goes far beyond the imagination of gamers.

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The things that covered Evelynn body were not clothes but it was her dark power, to be exact, Evelynn had never worn human clothes.

This is still true today when Evelynn’s comment when buying Cloth Armour: “I prefer being naked but that’s okay”.

Galio In 2017, the development team of Riot Games once gave Galio a very strange passive, which is to allow Galio to land on the heads of the turret and there forever in return and Galio will be used far further skills

If you are tired of sitting on the head of a turret, you can choose to jump down. This jump can be combined with the ultimate R – Hero’s Entrance immediately to knock away all surrounding enemies.


In the process of remaking Gangplank in 2015, Riot Games used Gangplank to test an ultimate called “Pirate Gundam”.

After using the technique, Gangplank will summon something very large, and extremely strong, this target can fire a cannonball, or can rush towards the enemy as a weak version more than Malphite’s ultimate.

However, this required them to spend too much resources to add in the game, and at that time the complex commands were not applied and it required extremely high levels so Riot Games eliminated to leave it.


Did you know that the previous Ultimate of Mega Gnar allowed him to eat enemies? However, such an interesting skill that gives a champion that is difficult to control is not suitable at all.

And keeping the idea of ​​that great technique, the meat-eating mechanism was later transferred to Tahm Kench with the W – Devour.

And keeping the idea of ​​that great technique, the meat-eating mechanism was later transferred to Tahm Kench with the W – Devour.


A bounty hunter in the form of a mysterious sniper cowboy robot codenamed Deadeye is the most original sketches and ideas for Jhin.

Unlike previous champions, Jhin was conceived in a very discrete way, leading to him becoming a who killed people and considered it the greatest art of mankind.

Therefore, when Jhin was officially launched on the PBE server, Riot Games decided to turn this champion’s first idea into a High Noon skin.