New 200 IQ play? – Ekko without Ult leveled to play a trick on enemies

Recently, an Ekko player has shared an idea that not upgrading his ultimate at level 6 to blow the opponent’s mind. Want to know about it? Notagamer just provided you with more details down there!

The ultimate is an extremely important part of a champion’s skill set, it is the champion’s most powerful tool and maybe the most impressive and unique thing that symbolize the champion such as Dragon’s Rage of Lee Sin, Death Mark of Zed, Destiny / Gate of Twisted Fate or Last Breath of Yasuo, etc.

Halloween Ekko

Ekko is also a champion that has a special ultimate: Chronobreak. It is considered to be one of the most powerful skills if used correctly. A special feature of this skill is that it doesn’t require casting time and it teleports you back to where you were seconds ago.

The downside of this skill is that if you want to attack an opponent, this ultimate does not help much because it will leave behind a “shadow” of yourself to show the enemy where you were. Probably the opponent will stay away from it to avoid taking damage from your ultimate

Ultimate of The Boy Who Shattered Time

If you can’t burst damage quickly and have to pull out early, it’s a waste of this skill. That’s why an Ekko player figured out how a trick for his ultimate which is not to immediately level your ultimate when you reach 6.

Although not getting your ultimate at level 6 hides where you will teleport to, it is difficult for you to remember where you were 4 seconds ago. So in order to apply this trick into real combat, you must be an Ekko player and have a good sense of the space and time in the game, thereby you can handle it accurately in real situations.

More in-depth guide about playing Ekko here:

Ekko Tips and Tricks