Elder Dragon has been bugged since Patch 14.2 and no one is talking about it

Elder Dragon has had some huge bugs since Patch 14.2

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends boasts a sprawling player base and a dynamic gaming environment. Yet, like any complex system, it’s not immune to occasional bugs. Despite the developers’ best efforts to quash these issues with patches, the cycle of fix-and-break persists, especially during the rollout of new seasons.

The advent of Season 14 heralded a plethora of exciting changes: fresh items, revamped jungle camps, and map alterations aimed at injecting renewed excitement into the game. However, amidst the anticipation and exploration of these updates, players have stumbled upon what appears to be a troubling bug concerning the Elder Dragon since the introduction of Patch 14.2.

The player base has become convinced that the Elder Dragon’s mechanics have been compromised. Traditionally, after a team secures four dragons and claims the dragon soul, the Elder Dragon is expected to spawn after 6 minutes.

However, reports have surfaced indicating that the Elder Dragon is now emerging a full minute earlier, spawning after only 5 minutes.

This concern gained traction as players took to forums and social media platforms to voice their concerns. One player’s initial suspicion prompted others to corroborate the anomaly, lending weight to the assertion that something indeed seemed amiss within the game’s mechanics.

Intriguingly, testing conducted by players confirmed the discrepancy. According to in-game tooltips and evidence, the Elder Dragon is indeed spawning prematurely, aligning with the altered five-minute interval following the acquisition of the dragon soul.

Curiously, amidst the community, there appears to be no explicit mention of this adjustment in the official patch notes, further fueling speculation and raising questions about transparency in communication between developers and players.

Image via Riot Games

As discussions surrounding the Elder Dragon bug continue to unfold, players find themselves navigating an uncertain landscape where the line between intended changes and unintended.