Facts about Zed – Zed kissed Shen fiancé, Yevnai and more facts about Zed

Facts About ZedZed is one of 18 champions without a single   ability power ratio on any ability:  Aatrox,  Camille,  Darius,  Draven,  Garen,  Kalista,  Kayn,  Kindred,  Kled,  Olaf,  Pyke,  Riven,  Sett,  Talon,  Urgot,  Vayne,  Xayah,  Zed.

Zed is voiced by Donny James Lucas.

Facts about Zed

By coincidence, the name Zed resembles:

Zed’s dance was inspired by various martial arts (the animator is a black belt).

Zed is the first champion to not actually ‘die’, instead he drops into a shadow portal (Shockblade Zed disappears after struck by a lightning bolt). The second is  Ekko, who rewinds time.  Willump does die, but  Nunu does not.

Zed,  Sona,  Garen and  Vi were targeted by  Jhin in his teaser.

facts about zed

Zed is the fifth champion to use energy as a resource for abilities (the others being  Akali,  Kennen,  Lee Sin and  Shen).

Before the release of and   Galaxy Slayer Zed and   Pulsefire Shen, neither him nor   Shen reveal their faces in any of their skins, unlike   Akali (  All-star,   Nurse,   Blood Moon) and   Kennen (  Karate,  M.D.).

Zed and   Lucian perform the ‘airplane arms’ run when having very high movement speed.

Razor Shuriken,   Living Shadow, and  Shadow Slash respectively mirroring  Thundering Shuriken,   Shadow Dash, and   Crescent Slash, as well as  Death Mark,  Assassin’s Mark, and   Mark of the Storm marking their targets reference Zed having been a Kinkou Order member.

Zed used to gain the  ‘Law of Inverse Ninja Strength’ cosmetic Easter egg debuff (“This unit is a flippin’ ninja!” – “Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.”) when he,  Akali,  Kennen, and/or  Shen found themselves on the same team. It was removed in V3.14 for unknown reasons.

At 23 August 2018 players who selected “Assassin” as their favorite class rated Zed 27% higher than the other assassins as “One of my favorite champions”. This difference is the largest for a champion by class.

Facts About Zed

Zed means “Holy Justice” or “God’s Justice” in Ionian.

Zed was born in Kéthé, Ionia.

Zed is using a Forbidden Technique called. He is also using shadow’s tears which are a magical ichor which gives Zed and his followers the ability to use shadow magic— (when tattooed or ingested).  

Zed is around 34 to 35 years old.

Zed appears to be ambidextrous.

Zed was originally considered for the position of the Eye of Twilight before 


The armor Zed wears in-game is considered his war armor and not what he wears during stealth missions or in his day to day life.

Zed has a rudimentary understanding of healing from performing surgeries and healing magic.

Zed killed Master Kusho to obtain the Tear of the Shadow for the power the Shadow Order members needed to fight back the Noxian army.

Zed kissed  Shen’s fiancé, Yevnai, before leaving the Kinkou Order and later killing Master Kusho .

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