Faker shared his thoughts on the current Korean Solo Queue

Faker has once again spoken up his opinion on the current state of Solo Queue

After T1 Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation of one of the unfortunate ranked game in the past weeks, Top Esports’ Qingtian was disciplined for his unprofessional behavior and his Korean ‘super account’ was banned till the rest of the year.

Being one of the most influential players of esports in general, League of Legends community applauded Faker for speaking out against toxic behavior, noting that he is likely one of the only voices in the community capable of bringing about change as a result of his words. Unfortunately, Faker’s problem didn’t end there.

Faker talked about the current state of Solo Queue

On his livestream last night, the superstar cried out once more, this time about the qualities of matchmaking following a particularly unfair game. The T1 mid laner also claimed that if he wasn’t a professional player, he wouldn’t be playing solo queue at all.

“What’s wrong with the game quality? It feels like a Bronze versus Diamond tier game,”

 “If I wasn’t a professional player, I don’t think I would be playing solo queue because it’s no fun at all.”

This isn’t the first time he’s taken issue with the leaderboard. The mid laner has had several encounters with similar situations, such as the statement around November about the EUW solo queue having even better quality than the Korean, or even the win-trading issue in his ranked game.

Faker desperately talked about win-trading having negative impacts on his games

Although Korean solo queue is regarded as having the top players, it appears that pro players are not as enthusiastic about it. He’s also complained about the low quality and people that don’t take the game seriously enough.

Recently, Riot Games had discussed how they would implement new ways to improve the behavioral system in League and how they would take action on any negative gameplay. Hopefully, Riot Games will soon showcase the implementation on the live servers.