Fanart – Sylas Ultimate skins are super beautiful: every time R is used, it is a new look!

In 2020, we will be waiting for a Ultimate Skin to be released. Unable to wait, a gamer created skin for Sylas.

As what has previously announced, Riot Games will not launch the Ultimate costume in the 9th season and move it to 2020 because they need more time to produce products of better quality.Unable to wait more, a player has idea of creating the ultimate skin dedicated to Sylas

hornygaysett user shared his idea of ​​the Ultimate outfit for Sylas on the Reddit forum page and garnered a lot of support and praise for the idea.

The highlights and boldness in this idea lie at the end of the R, every time he uses his ultimate on an enemy champion, he will transform his exterior and the skill set effect based on the area of champions

According LoL universe, the number of looks that Sylas can achieve is up to 14 (the default is 15), much more than Lux the prime.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Bilgewater: The characteristic feature of this area is the pirates and Nagakaborous worship. Therefore, Sylas will put on a pirate-owned skin and his chains will turn into tentacles.

Freljord: Yes, Sylas has just owned a costume in Freljord. However, his ultimate outfit will look traditional like the Taliyah Freljord.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Shurima: Sylas will put on an outfit inspired by the Guardian of the Sands. His chains will transform into a stream of sand and he will control them.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Void: Sylas transforms into a hybrid between humans and the Void, his voice also changes to the Void nature. The chain will transform into tentacles like Vel’Koz’s.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Ionia: This is the sacred land and home to the oldest magic. Therefore, Sylas’s costume will be more colorful, and his chains will turn into a thousand years magic tree roots.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Demacia: In this timeline, Sylas probably dominated Demacia after the overthrow of Jarvan IV’s domination. When he robbed of the Demacia, he will be wearing a light armor that accompanies the crown. The chain will also glow.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Noxus: He’il be dressed in the costumes of the indigenous nobles.His chains are going to look old and little and still bloody.

Targon: Sylas will look more like the gods and nobles. His chains received the power of the sky, making it sparkle in the night sky full of stars.

Shadow Isles: Sylas is covered by black mist and his chains will turn into bones that are joined together.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Ixtal: This is the home land of countless elemental wizards. Therefore, Sylas will turn into a great witch, his chains will be wrapped around the elements Earth, Water, Grass.

Sylas Ultimate skins

Piltover: wearing a Western European outfit, more modern than other regions. His weapons are magic stones (taken from Skarner’s tail) that crystallize into chains.

Zaun: Sylas will wear a gas mask, his chain will change into green chemical pipes.

Bandle City: This is the hometown of Yordles, so when Sylas takes away their ultimate, he will be shrunk to size.

Runeterra: In addition to the 13 famous area, there are still a lot of unknown champions such as Evelynn, Nocturne, …. If Sylas stole their last move, he would turn into dark.

In your opinion, is this idea great enough for Riot Games to reference and turn it into the ultimate skin in 2020?

If you were you, which champion would you pick as the champion? Please leave your ideas below in the comments section!

Thanks for if you read it. Btw sorry if I did grammar mistake lmao. . .

Information From: Reddit