First appearance of Nasus Support at Worlds 2022 was a total nightmare

The fan-favorite Nasus support made its debut in League of Legends Worlds 2022 on October 15, in a game between Rogue and DRX. Despite all of the excitement around the champion, the match was a disappointment.

Image via Riot Games

Rogue Trymbi captured the champion in a lane against Ashe and Heimerdinger. Initially, the choice appeared to be a decent one, which caught a few experts off guard. However, as it turned out, the pick was pointless and did not deliver on its promises.

Nasus support was one of the worst Worlds 2022 picks

So far, numerous unique champions have been brought in League of Legends Worlds 2022. The metagame is highly dynamic, and players have attempted a variety of successful strategies.

However, Nasus support was not the case, given the champion is a total failure in that position. Nasus is a bad champion unless he can farm lots of minions, which is tough to do in pro play, and even in that role.

Image via Riot Games

Nasus support became popular because to LS’s assertion that it is a unique champion selection that can work in certain circumstances. His ability to slow opponents might be useful against champions with great mobility.

They are, however, difficult to operate with because the ADC and the support must time the abilities perfectly. If this does not occur, the pick is rather useless.

Professional League of Legends players are frequently quite restrictive. They are eager toward specific options and dislike experimenting. If the majority of pro players believe that a selection is bad, they will not pick that champion, even if they are the right choice.

Unfortunately, Nasus had no such effect. The Rogue botlane was destroyed by DRX’s botlane, and Nasus had little effect on the rest of the game. In teamfights, the pick seemed to be a minion, which many people did not expect.

The selection sparked immediate enthusiasm among League of Legends fans, but it was likely the last time Nasus support played in a professional game.