From a unique item for only some champions, how did Manamune becomes a must-buy in League of Legends?

Manamune, from an item that is only usable for a few champions has become an extremely popular item in League of Legends.

Manamune has existed for a long time in League of Legends and ever since, this item was only suitable to Ezreal, Kass, Cassio or Anivia, champions that relys heavily on farming and progressing their power overtime. After that, more and more champions in the form of hoarding power, using skills like Ezreal was born, Manamune is no longer exclusive to these champions.

Kai’Sa Muramana went from a weird build to become her standard playstyle

However, when it is used too much even on champions that have completely different characteristics from the above-mentioned names, one could not help wondering why it is a so popular build. A player shared that he has met Jhin, Talon, Darius, Draven and even… Fizz also builds this item!

A player who returned to LoL was “shock” after he met so many physical damage champions building Manamune, including Wukong, Jhin or Darius…

Firstly, the Manamune is the best AD item that will give you 80 AD stat with only 2400 gold worth when it has enough stack. Because you can get stacks with your basic attacks, you can make sure that this item will accumulate its power peak extremely quickly.

Moreover, when Manamune sufficiently stacked, it also deals on-hit damages which will be proportional to your maximum mana. We can simply understand that Manamune can gives you both huge amount of damage and bonus on-hit damage with only 2400 gold, which is absolutely cheap compare to the enormous stats that its provided.

Draven recently used this item as well

However, that’s only half of the problem, since this item has already had these characteristics for several seasons. The sufficient condition for Manamune recently become the “national item” of League of Legends is how good it can interact with the new Presence of Mind.

Specifically, in the pre-2020 season, Presence of Mind has lost the ability to reduce the cooldown of Ultimate Skill when upon kills, instead, you will receive permanent maximum mana, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 500 maximum mana. Not to mention the restoration that worth 20% of maximum mana.

The new Presence of Mind now interacts well with both stats and effects of the Manamune

Remember that the damage effects of Muramana’s will depend on your current maximum energy. With the bonus mana up to 500 and too much mana regeneration from the Presence of Mind point, which means with Manamune only, you can deal an insane amount of damage which completely outweighed when compared to other items such as crit in the mid-game stage (Since Crits item are only strong when you have 3 or more items).

With great damage, good energy recovery and strong snowball from the middle of the match, Manamune suddenly overcome the disadvantages of many champions like Kayle, Corki or Draven. Evenly, with the threshold of power coming too early, bruisers that use mana constantly can build this item as a core damage item. That’s how the guy complained to the community that he was defeated by a Wukong Manamune.

Thought it was a troll, but Wukong Muramana is unbelievably strong

In short, with the change of the Presence of Mind runes, the Manamune gradually became an extremely powerful item when it provided huge damage from the early and mid-game. If you want to find a new playstyle, try once to put your faith in Manamune, maybe the effect will go beyond your imagination. Of course, the champion that you’re playing has to use energy and dealing primarily physical damage.

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