G2 Perkz Hopes That Riot Games Will Remove Yuumi from League of Legends

G2 Perkz Hopes That Riot Games Will Remove Yuumi from League of Legends

The LEC top star has always expressed his hatred for Yuumi.

With Yone – Yasuo’s brother coming in patch 10.16, the current League of Legends has 150 generals in total. Of course, no champion is completely balanced. The well-known European player Luka “Perkz” Perković has made a decision regarding the champion he hates and would not definitely remember at all whether it is excluded from the League of Legends. That is the catgirl, Yuumi.

After G2’s convincing victory over MAD Lions, securing a ticket to the 2020 World Final, Perkz posted a Q&A video to share with his fans, including a talk towards the “annoying” of Yuumi. “I really dislike Yuumi”, he admitted, “I will never be bored enough of talking about Yuumi and how annoying she is and how stupid this champion has been made.”

The topic start at 20:12

“I really wish that Riot would just accept that they f****d up and they just remove the champion from the game”, G2’s mid-lane star keeps asking Riot Games around… removing Yuumi. He also emphasized the magic cat’s abilities, which can make her impossible to target in combat, there’s just nothing more irritating than this little cat jumping from player to player, and becoming invulnerable just by hitting them.

“It’s so unskilled and so anti-fun”, he added, “everyone hates playing it and everyone hates playing against it but its OP so you must play it”.

Unfortunately, Riot Games would certainly never remove a general, particularly the name considered to be as fascinating as Yuumi gameplay. If she continues to express discomfort in tournaments or ranked matches, several strength adjustments would definitely have to be made to her in the future. Although she has been nerfed by Riot Games since its debut in the League of Legends in mid-2019, but it seems nothing for this catgirl’s “unique” gameplay but the strength and discomfort that still remains.