The stats indicate that Garen mid lane is even more popular than Aurelion Sol

Rob “KingCobra” Rosa, a League balancing team member, has revealed his intention to tune Aurelion Sol in the near future.

KingCobra’s goal is to power down Sol’s E, a powerful tool used to roam lanes and increase damage abilities stats. The aim of this change is to focus on his massive damage dealing in team fights rather than trying to roam other lanes. As a matter of fact, Aurelion Sol is not doing well on both missions as players often losing more than gains while leaving their lane, and the longer the game, the more decreasing in his damage.

Therefore, increasing his Q and W damage is the solution KingCobra is aiming for in which Sol’s main playstyle is to do huge damage while roaming lanes is just an auxiliary play.

The Star Forger is being estranged by the player for a long time.

In patch 11.4, Aurelion Sol’s situation is bleak with a 0.8% pick rate, according to This is the 46th worst pick rate among all mid lane champions, even weird choices such as Garen and Viego surpass Sol.

On the other hand, things are even worse when Aurelion Sol has only appeared 21 times in pro play since the beginning of 2019 until now. In almost half of those games, Sol was used by Team WE’s mid laner, Teacherma.

In order for The Star Forger to escape his life full of exile, KingCobra proposed ideas and gathered community opinions. Everything is not in the official plan yet, he said, everything needs to be discussed further in the near future.