Get Bramble Vest in the first 2 minutes with this Proxy strategy

After Ornn, gamers had found a way for Sion to purchase Bramble Vest in only 2 minutes at the start of the game!

This feed-to-win strategy will allow Sion to buy the Bramble Vest as early as the second minutes mark of the game and can help Sion with better laning advantages against any AD or Bruiser champs.

This strategy was originally used by Ornn to get the Bramble Vest after the first minion wave. This time is Sion take with his new proxy strategy and eventually buying Bramble Vest at exactly 2:02 minutes mark.

Basically, if you want to try this strategy, you will need to use Sion along with the Future’s Market from the Inspiration Rune Page. When entering the game, do not buy anything but run straight through the opponent’s base. Wait for the first wave of minions to appear at 1:05 and start proxying the wave. Remember: after being executed, don’t forget to put down a ward.

After that, Teleport back to the ward at 1:30, just in time for the second wave, then start taking that wave down. You will then resurrect back at the fountain and wait until the 2 minutes mark when the Future’s Market is activated, and you can buy Bramble Vest immediately.  

You can now return to top lane without losing any exp or gold (except for the 50 golds from the purchase from Future’s Market), and this item will enable Sion players to immediately gain the full advantages against the opponent.

All in all, this strategy is fun but can be less effective in higher elo. However, due to the fact that this is quite similar to the Singed proxy, many players are upvoting this Sion one.