Graves Mid Lane is being spammed by LPL Mid Laners – a possible “pocket pick” for the upcoming Finals?

For the past following days, Doinb, Cryin, Yuekai has consistently been practicing Graves in their ranked matches.

Graves mid has become the newest trend in Korean server, can this champion make it to the LPL 2021 Finals?

If you are unfamiliar, there is a concept known as “Pocket Pick” in League of Legends and eSports in general. This phrase generally refers to how teams employ unique picks to surprise their opponents and win. In League of Legends, examples of “Pocket Picks” include Pyke Top laner of G2 Esports at MSI 2019, Shen jungle from SofM at Worlds 2020….

Pyke top from G2 Esports
Shen jungle from SN SofM

It is natural that teams prepare “Pocket Picks” for the next key matches in the LPL Summer 2021 playoffs. Gamers have noticed that the mid-lane players of FunPlus Phoenix (Doinb) and Royal Never Give Up (Cryin, Yuekai) appear to be preparing for a “Pocket Pick” by consistently using Graves in the mid lane position.

Graves is a champion option with the potential to push the lane exceptionally well at level 1 with the passive and Q – End of the Line ability. This will allow Mid laners to easily go around and warding in the river area in order to gather additional information. In a professional environment, this is critical since it allows the Jungler to be more active in the Rift Scuttler fight as well as provide them more information about the direction of the opponent’s movement.

Thanks to his passive and Q, Graves can push waves exceptionally effective at early levels (Image via Riot Games)

Furthermore, the Mages have reappeared in the bot lane in the last games of the 2021 LPL Summer Playoffs. The teams have picked Syndra and Ziggs as ADCs thanks to their safety and consistent damage. Therefore, having a powerful physical damage champion like Graves in the mid lane will be the ideal pick to offer balance to the team composition if they decided to go with either Syndra or Ziggs ADC.

Both Ziggs and Syndra has been picked in the matchups (Credit:Onivia LEC, LCS, LCK, LPL Highlights)

FunPlus Phoenix and Royal Never Give Up are considered the top prospects for the LPL Summer 2021 championship in the playoffs. Practice is undoubtedly the primary focus for these two teams as the playoffs approach their most intense phase. It’s conceivable that FPX and RNG mid laners have been practicing Graves in the last few days in preparation for a specific lineup or strategy centered on this champion. So we can confidently predict that FPX, RNG, and other teams will employ Graves Mid in the next LPL Summer 2021 playoff matchups.