Major Grievous Wounds changes confirmed in League season 2023

Season 13 of League of Legends will begin soon, with the confirmed Grievous Wounds significant changes

Image via Riot Games

Since the durability patch, League of Legends’ healing has creeped to the stage where everyone has a large health pool and a faster rate of health regeneration. Furthermore, Riot significantly nerfed Grievous Wounds in that patch.

Even though Riot attempted to reduce healing by nerfing omnivamp and Eclipse in following patches, healing is now better than ever thanks to the current preseason patch. Because of this widespread healing issue, Riot says that GW will undergo significant changes in 2023.

Grievous Wounds changes in 2023

Riot Axes, League of Legends’ Lead Champion Designer, stated on Reddit that the current Grievous Wounds system has several flaws. Furthermore, they indicated that they are not currently redesigning it extensively.

They now intend to grant 40% Grievous Wounds to anti-heal components (Executioner’s Calling, Bramble Vest, and Oblivion’s Orb) from the start. These items currently grant a 25% GW. Riot expects players to use the counters as needed with this adjustment.

“The direction will be something much closer to the pre-Items Update system – components with 40% grievous wounds so that you can access a counter when you need it, growing into stat sticks that make more sense within builds, but not specifically upgrading the GW amount.”

Riot will also alter the finished GW item to include new perks. Riot, for example, announced that armor penetration would return to Mortal Reminder.

Image via Riot Games

Although these adjustments will not completely resolve all concerns related to healing, they have said that they are working on recovery changes for the future.