Upcoming Mechanical Changes on Grievous Wounds Make It Function Differently Base on Classes

This is a massive improvement of Grievous Wounds for all those players who dislike healing…

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, League lead gameplay designer, has just released an update yesterday, which gives more information about the intended upcoming rework on Grievous Wounds that will be very likely to take place on the 2021 preseason of League of Legends.

According to the latest direction which Riot decided to take, the simple healing debuff mechanic is no longer the same.

Riot is taking a “two-state approaches” with “an “adaptation for each class” to the latest Grievous Wounds. There will be a slight debuff of 40 percent less healing debuff which can be easily achieved by every class. By executing class-specific tasks, it can be increased to up to 60 percent.

Three auto attacks will quickly increase the debuff to 60 percent by ADCs while they can easily procs the 40 percent debuff with one auto-attack. Mages, on the other hand, will activate it by doing damages, and the amount of the debuff can be raised up to 60% when the enemy’s health is low. Tanks will acquire the 40% debuff via doing damages or by Thornmail and will ramp it up to 60% by using crowd controls.

Since healing has become more and more prevalent within the last few years, adjustments should be made for its only counterpath, Riot said in their pre-season developer’s update several weeks ago. Rather than being a contextual option, the healing of runes, objects and champion kits has long made Grievous Wounds became a compulsory mechanic or item build-path in the game.

These adjustments are expected to make the healing in the game more counteracting. However, they are not yet final and can be modified in the pre-season, normally starting every November.