Guide for Aatrox top lane in League of Legends Patch 12.16

A quick guide to Aatrox, one of the strongest top lane champions in season 12

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Aatrox is undoubtedly one of the most powerful top lane in League of Legends right now. His tremendous damage, when paired with his healing, is exceedingly tough to deal with throughout the game.

The Darkin Blade is presently the number one top lane in this patch, according to League statistics OP.GG. He is also highly trusted by both professionals and solo-queue players for his carry capability.

Without further ado, here is the Aatrox guide in season 12.


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Aatrox’s runes are ideal for a champion that enjoys going all in on their opponent. Conqueror grants him both Adaptive Force and healing, which is essential for bruisers or fighters. 

Bone Plating is extremely effective for such a champion that can 1vs2 easily, or if you want to all-in a target, granting you extra tankiness. Revitalize also offers more healing, which is compulsory for his kit.

Overall, these runes correspond to his capacity to combat directly with his ultimate World Ender.


The overall item builds for Aatrox is mostly offensive with a small amount of defensive. Eclipse is incredibly powerful since it gives him a lot of stats while also keeping him alive in combat. Death’s Dance is clearly overtuned, and Black Cleaver forces him to attack hard in combat.


Aatrox is an incredibly strong League of Legends champion. His ultimate, World Ender, can assist him in taking 1v2 encounters and still win. Unfortunately, he is a champion that relies on being ahead in the lane and gaining a large amount of farm by the mid-game.

As previously said, he is a champion who relies on acquiring lane advantage. As a result, knowing the matchup is critical, as Aatrox has a variety of counter matchups, making laning extremely tough for him. Champions like Fiora, Jayce, Olaf, Irelia, and Camille are ideal for his counters.

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The first priority should be on accumulating as much farm as possible. It is critical to prioritize the Q ability, followed by the E and W. R should obviously be leveled up whenever necessary.

It is advised that players remain calm and farm until they obtain their Mythic item, since this grants Aatrox a large power spike and can allow him to start scaling for the late game.