Guide: Here’s how to play Smolder, League’s latest champion

The newest addition to the League of Legends roster, Smolder, has left many fans puzzled about the optimal build paths and rune selections for this marksman champion following Season 14’s major map update.

As an AD carry, Smolder primarily deals physical damage and boasts considerable mobility, making it imperative for players to maintain a safe distance from their enemies while maximizing damage output. Here’s a breakdown of the most effective builds, items, and runes tailored for Smolder’s playstyle.

Image via Riot Games

How to play Smolder


Within the Precision rune tree, two primary options stand out: Fleet Footwork and Press the Attack. Fleet Footwork enhances survivability with increased healing and movement speed, while Press the Attack excels in trading and late-game burst damage, particularly effective against tanky opponents. Supplementary Precision runes include Presence of Mind for mana sustainability, Legend: Alacrity for boosted attack speed, and Cut Down to amplify damage against high-max HP targets.


Commencing the game with Doran’s Blade provides Smolder with essential attributes such as attack damage, health, and life steal. In more challenging lanes, Doran’s Shield offers added sustain against persistent poking.

His core build comprises Essence Reaver, Muramana, Navori Quickblades, and Ionian Boots of Lucidity. This setup optimizes Super Scorcher Breath’s potency by leveraging its short cooldown in tandem with Ability Haste from these items.

Early-game priorities entail acquiring Tear of the Goddess and Sheen to bolster damage output and mana reserves. Subsequent itemization should prioritize raw attack damage options like Lord Dominik’s Regards, Ravenous Hydra, Immortal Shieldbow, or Guardian Angel, catering to Smolder’s diverse needs in various scenarios.


Positioning Smolder in the bot lane is crucial, given his susceptibility to being quickly dispatched by enemy champions if caught off guard. A dedicated support is essential to either peel for him or provide healing support in right situations.

His passive ability, Dragon Practice, rewards players with bonus magic damage upon ability hits or minion and monster kills, emphasizing the importance of items like Sheen and Navori Quickblades in his build.

The key to maximizing Smolder’s damage lies in synergizing his Super Scorcher Breath with auto attacks while judiciously utilizing his Flap, Flap, Flap ability for either escape or engagement opportunities.

In summary, mastering Smolder’s playstyle demands strategic itemization and rune selection to capitalize on his strengths as a mobile marksman capable of dealing significant damage.