Guide: Here’s how to play Reworked Aurelion Sol in League season 13

After a lengthy delay owing to technical concerns, League of Legends’ brand new Aurelion Sol rework has finally arrived at the Summoners Rift, along with patch 13.3.

Due to his unique playstyle and specific build pathways, the Star Forger has been one of the most unique champions throughout the majority of LoL’s history. As a result, he was never a champion for newcomers or flexible players. The first-ever Aurelion Sol revamp attempts to address this by providing a whole new kit.

Thus, in this article, players will find guides to play the Star Forger more effectively in their games.

Guide for Aurelion Sol season 13

Aurelion Sol has developed into a potentially endlessly scalable late-game monster with his newest update. The more Stardust he collects, the more it permanently improves his abilities.

Given Aurelion Sol’s enormous scaling strength, the builds for him focus on his late-game potential and push it as high as can.

The champion’s core appears to be Rod of Ages and Seraph’s Embrace. Players who have been following the recent metagame in League of Legends will not be surprised by this.

Following that, Aurelion Sol will most likely enjoy abusing Demonic Embrace, another extremely powerful mage item, to deliver continual damage. Although his ultimate equipment is up in the air, Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff appear to be the most logical alternatives. The revamped space dragon excels at opening up confined spaces before closing in on his opponents to perform lethal spell rotations.

For the time being, players may try to speed the character’s scaling by granting him First Strike, boosting his access to gold, and rewarding his short bursts of AoE damage. One may also use Arcane Comet to boost his poke, although this tactic fails as Aurelion Sol begins to scale.

His former revolving stars, which required players to take a more traditional approach, are now extinct. A Sol will now commonly spotted lurking behind stronger teammates and firing black holes at them. He has the ability to bridge the distance at the right time to spew fire waves and shatter stars from the skies into his League of Legends opponents. He is developing into a control mage with largely short-range but tremendous scaling skills.

Overall, it looks like Aurelion Sol has been tweaked into a conventional League of Legends control mage.