Hall of Legends Battle Pass is receiving some QoL improvements from Riot Games

New Hall of Legends improvements from Riot Games

League of Legends developers, Riot Games, have made a significant quality-of-life improvement to the Hall of Legends battle pass by introducing a new repeating mission. This update is designed to help players complete the pass more efficiently.

On June 18, the League of Legends development team announced this important change in a brief post on Twitter. The new repeatable mission will benefit all players by allowing them to earn experience points at twice the usual rate.

Image via Riot Games

This is especially helpful for ARAM and Arena players, who often struggle to complete certain objectives, such as slaying epic monsters or taking down towers. By making it easier to accomplish these tasks, players can progress through the missions more quickly and play fewer games to earn all the rewards.

As a result of this update, completing the Hall of Legends pass should be much faster compared to previous event passes in League of Legends.

Despite the controversy surrounding the expensive Ahri skin, the battle pass for this event offers a variety of valuable rewards, including mythic essence, SKT T1 skins, and other cosmetics. This makes it one of the most rewarding passes in recent ones. Additionally, the requirements to level up are not overly demanding, making the process much less tedious than other event passes.

The positive reception of this update has led many League of Legends players to request that Riot Games make this accelerated pass a permanent feature for future events. However, it remains to be seen whether the developers will decide to implement this change long-term.

Image via Riot Games

The Hall of Legends event is scheduled to end on July 8, 2024, with players having until July 15 to claim their loot and battle pass rewards.