Hashinshin Makes Massive Decisive Changes on His 1st Day as League’s New Head of Balancing

Source: Twitter Hashinshin

Hashinshin – A new hope for League of Legends’ perpetual imbalance issue?

Previously on the League Balancing Dilemma Show, Hashinshin was appointed as League’s new chief balancing personnel of the balancing staff. His induction into Riot Games was received with cheers and awe from the majority of League’s fan base, except Lee Sin and Graves players (and jungle mains in general) since they already knew what it meant to have a CHAD top lane player to adjust their game.
The first patch ever made by Hash himself is said by the community to be “full of changes that League players desire for a long time” and “reasonably balanced”.

A look at Hashinshin’s first ever change list

The tentative balance changes devised by Hashinshin is as follow:
– Removing Riven’s third charge of her Q and the shield on her E, because who needs those when her weapon is already broken on its own. Also fixing the animation cancel bug because let’s be honest, everyone is tired of Riven mains bragging about being able to showcase some dirt cheap gimmicks
– Adding a tribute passive, which are featured on support items, to jungle items so they can’t tax lane minions

– Jungle camps receive 50% more HP so their clears are slower and their impact is significantly less. Take that, Nightblue3
– Dragons are moved to top lane to boost the significance of top laners
– Black Cleaver can now stack for an infinite amount of times

– All tank items have it stats halved (except tanks items that bruisers use). Frozen Heart removed (just to spite Ryze mains)
– Jax’s Counter Strike will now block everything instead of just auto attacks, so nothing can go right through his E anymore, much to the delight of Jax players (and Hashinshin himself)
– Aatrox will have his revive mechanics back (because why not)

– Ranged champions now deal halved damage with their AAs on melee champions (only works on top lane)
– Mages have their mana costs/ health/ energy cost doubled (except Sylas because Hash needs to abuse the kit for Challenjour)

– Crit items (and Manamune, screw you, Ezreal) to be removed so ADC will whine more
– Reverting Fiora (both her kit and her splash art)
– Removing the lighting ratKennen because Nintendo asked, they want their Pikachu back

– Abolish Tencent’s ownership of Riot Games (would definitely fix the majority of the ongoing problem in League by the way)
With these changes, League of Legends is expected to return to its former glory as the flagship of the gaming industry – or not, who knows what the future holds?

Read another article about Riot’s incompetence here: https://notagamer.net/riots-ai-issued-a-ban-for-complimenting-teammates-in-league-of-legends/
Hashinshin’s Twitter (also the source of the thumbnail for the article): https://twitter.com/hashinshin