League of Legends: Hecarim is now totally out of control

Recently, Hecarim has seemed to be the most OP champion for the jungle role in League of Legends

If you are following pro leagues around the world, you will easily realize that Hecarim’s power is so huge that he appears in every single match! Udyr is also a champion that has been picked a lot for the jungle role, but Hecarim appears to be more popular when he has been chosen or banned in every match from pro leagues to solo queues.

So far, Hecarim is the jungle champion having the highest ban/pick rates in LPL Spring 2021 Playoffs
The similar thing also took place in LCK Spring 2021
His ban rate in solo queues has risen to 71.2% – an enormous number

Although Hecarim is now extremely powerful, magically, he was just nerfed slightly in patch 11.7 and he even did not appear in the nerf list of patch 11.8! As a result, his power has not been lessened too much and he is still dominating the jungle. It is that imbalance that a lot of players have sent their complaints to Riot Games in order to ask them to nerf this champion.

This is one of the mentioned complaints and this post has received over 6000 upvotes on Reddit

This post has received a lot of approval from the community and over a thousand of agreements have been made:

Hecarim has recently dominated the jungle with his unstoppable power

The rising into an OP item of Chemtank has made Riot lose their control in his power. This item with Udyr just helps him to shorten his distance to the target, but with Hecarim, it also increases his AD thanks to his passive. Combining with Death Man’s Plate, they will become a combo helping him to turn into a monster as he will become a tanker with a large amount of damage.

If Riot want to nerf Hecarim effectively, they should consider nerfing Chemtank as well

Obviously, a tanky champion being able to deal a high range of damage sounds awkward as it will completely unbalance the game. 71.2% of ban rate seems to be a reasonable number as no one wants to meet him in the jungle, for sure. Definitely, it’s high time Riot Games needed to nerf this champion so as to balance their game.