Hecarim’s power dropped drastically after recent nerfs in Patch 12.23b

Before the release of patch 12.23b, Hecarim was classified as an extremely powerful Jungler champion. This comes from the ability to interact with new tank items from the preseason, as well as the huge damage buff Riot gave to his skill set.

Before Worlds 2022, Riot decided to give him major adjustments to nudge him into a Bruiser/Fighter build. The champion then had evolved into an all-purpose unit capable of tanking hits, moving at breakneck speed, and killing enemies at ease

And as of patch 12.17, he is one of the deadliest champions on the Summoner’s Rift, and numerous players have criticized Riot Games for implementing these changes.

Hecarim after Patch 12.13b nerfs

Q – Rampage

Image via Riot Games

As a result, Riot Games has cut Hecarim’s strength from his Q abilities in patch 12.23b. The damage increase impact of Q is lowered to 9%.

This immediately affected Hecarim’s gameplay and strength. This champion had now shown to be below average and unable of killing the primary opponent in a short period of time. Instead, Hecarim will have to play the role of sacrifice, opening up fights for his teammates.

This may not have harmed the competitive play, but Hecarim has suffered greatly in the solo queue. The above nerf had reduced the champion’s ability to impose the game. According to League statistics u.gg, the champion now holds a 47.85% win rate at Platinum+, which is extremely low compared to before.

Image via Riot Games

Despite having a relatively low win rate, it is very difficult for him to increase his strength in the near future. Hecarim is an easy champion to play, if the basic stat is too high, it will be difficult to control. Hopefully, Riot Games will find the best way to balance him in the 2023 season.