Here’s how to disable Sett abilities using Tahm Kench

The only way to deal with the extremely unpleasant Sett gameplay recently is to take advantage of tahm kench newest bug to utterly trash “him.”

As players may have known by now, the Mathematically Correct Sett build is becoming more and more popular in the state-of-the-game. The build involves only 2 main stats for Sett: HP and AD. This means no AR, no MR, no attack speed, nothing. You’re only supposed to buy items that add HP, AD, ability haste (AH), movement speed, and health regeneration.

The reason why this build only involves two stats is because of only one reason: Sett’s Haymaker (W). Haymaker’s passive allows Sett to store 100% of post-mitigation damage taken as Grit on his resource bar, up to 50% of his maximum health.

Because Haymaker only stores post-mitigation damage, Sett can forgo creating defensive items that mitigate damage entirely to maximize it. Sett may remain a somewhat tanky frontline while increasing Grit by solely buying items that increase AD and HP.

How to disable Sett abilities

However, recently players have discovered a bug that can eliminate this situation entirely out of the match.

Accordingly, a bug was recently discovered by Youtuber Vandiril when Sett and Tahm Kench re-interacted with each other. In particular, while Sett was in the middle of using his ult one somebody that was swallowed by Tahm Kench (both enemy and ally), after escaping, the skill set such as W, E, or even his Recall button was “deposed” and could not be used.

Since W – the fundamental skill that makes up the Mathematically Correct Sett gameplay – has been taken away, Sett has no other method to deal damage except than auto-attack with Q and his R.

Perhaps the only way to fix a game that is too irritating is to exploit flaws. If you utilize Sett and encounter Tahm Kench in the following match, you’ll notice this. Of course, Riot will be fixing this bug right away, but in the meantime, while this bug still exists, players can freely stop the Mathematically Correct Sett.