Hexflash Bug that makes players want Riot to disable it

The bug still exists today since the 2021 LPL Summer Split

For League players, Flash is always the most used Summoner Spell in the game. So it would be a shame if the player couldn’t take this crucial spell at any point throughout the game.

However, since Riot Games has not fixed the problem connected to the Hextech Flashtraption rune, this bug still occurs often among League of Legends players.

The Hexflash bug isn’t something new in the game

In other words, if you use Hexflash and use some skills exactly as the Flash just finished its cooldown, this Summoner Spell will be locked for the remainder of the game. The gamer was able to disconnect and reconnect, but the bug remained. As a result, players feel Riot Games should disable the rune immediately.

Interestingly enough, the bug is very similar to the one that occurs in an LPL match. In the third game between EDward Gaming (EDG) and Bilibili Gaming, Meiko’s Leona was subsequently revealed to be unable to use Flash. The bug is believed to not be new. It is believed that nearly every champion that uses Hextech Flashtraption will encounter the bug.

Not only does this rune lock-in Flash, but it also extends the range of several champions. Recently on Reddit, players noticed that if the mouse cursor is beyond the reach of this spell after using Flash or Hexflash, the range of Sett’s E will be twice as long as normal.

Riot Games clearly requires a complete solution at a stage where there are so many major bugs. It should be recalled that the World Championships 2021 are only around the corner, and it will be horrible if this issue emerges and ruins the top contests.

As a result, Riot’s temporary shutdown of Hexflash (both on the regular server and in the tournament), as recommended by the community, is a necessary way to find a solution.