Sometimes, a few League of Legends champions become very strong in unusual positions, often after they or their main items get small changes.
Tryndamere is dominating in the mid lane in high-tier rank
Recently, one of these champions has become very powerful in the mid lane among high-level players. This champion is Tryndamere. Tryndamere is not new to the mid lane because he has been picked there occasionally in the past.
However, in the last few months, he has not been seen much in either the mid or top lane because he wasn’t strong enough. But in Patch 14.10, he is dominating in the higher ranks. Right now, Tryndamere has a 55.57% win rate in Diamond+ ranks, according to the League stats site U.GG.
A win rate this high gives Tryndamere a big advantage over champions like Rumble, Akshan, or Cassiopeia, who have win rates just over 53%. With a win rate this high, Tryndamere is doing much better than these champions, at least for now. His excellent performance is not just by chance because Diamond+ players have chosen him in 3000+ in Patch 14.10 as of now.
Mid laners should know how to play against Tryndamere, luckily for them. This is not the first time the champion has been seen in the mid lane, as he has been a flexible pick there for many years. Even professional players like Faker have picked Tryndamere mid in the past to overpower their enemies early in the game.
However, Tryndamere’s strong performance in the high ranks might not last long because one of his main items, Infinity Edge, is expected to be nerfed in Patch 14.11. The exact changes to this item are still unknown. We will find out more next week when the update is released on May 30.