The highest win-rate LoL jungler is not getting nerfed – Why is that?

League of Legends players are currently confused over the absence of adjustments to a particular high-performing jungler, despite maintaining the highest win rate in the role.

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The 2024 season brought out many changes to the game’s dynamics, some proving more than others. A prevailing meta has emerged, placing a premium on damage output and the capacity for burst, favoring champions adept at leveraging new mage items, notably the Stormsurge.

The jungle landscape has undergone substantial transformations as well, with revamped pathing and clearing mechanisms reshaping the gameplay. Furthermore, the earlier appearance of Void enemies has shifted the strategic focus towards the Top side, rendering it a more viable and lucrative option.

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Amidst this evolving landscape, certain champions have seized the opportunity to shine, prompting Riot to earmark specific culprits, such as Jax and Fizz, for impending adjustments in the upcoming patch.

Highest win rate Jungler, Lillia, not getting nerfed

However, a segment of the player base contends that one of the most egregious beneficiaries of the recent changes remains unchanged. Puzzlement abounds as players observe that Lillia, despite boasting a 54% win rate, according to League statistic, has yet to be subjected to nerfs.

What adds to the consternation is the anticipation that she will further capitalize on the forthcoming patch’s introduction of a new movement speed rune.

A vigilant player pointed out the statistical anomaly, stating:

According to lolalytics, Lillia Jg has a 54% win rate on a 12% presence rigth now, being the highest win rate jungler in the game despite also beeing the 7th most popular Jungler”

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The Lillia’s dominance in the new season lies in her adept of Stormsurge and other mage items. Her Q ability proves to be a particularly effective tool for early-game teamfights, giving her an edge that few other junglers can replicate.

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The question lingers among the player community: why has Lillia, with her impact on the meta, remained untouched in the face of her statistics and the impending addition of the new movement speed rune?