How did this player reach Master with 0 vision score?

This player has made the community amazed by his extreme challenge to Master

Vision is an incredibly significant aspect in League since it gives players a lot of crucial information as well as control over the map. Once you have control over the map, your opponent will limit their lane to keep away from any ganks. As a result, vision control is always the most critical part in the game.

A player recently shocked the whole community by climbing to Master without having any wards put down or engaging in vision control. No_Arm_Whatley, a Reddit user, stated that he wanted to take on the challenge to learn more about the importance of vision.

So, he decided to reach the Master tier while having 0 vision score, which includes “no trinket usage of any kind, no control wards, no clearing enemy wards, and no using Scrying Bloom or Scuttle Crab”

As we can see from the above-mentioned profile, this player has no vision scores. The player said on Reddit that he picked only two champions, Tahm Kench and Warwick while climbing to Master. This is due to the fact that these are champions that have high damage, are incredibly tanky, and can 1vs2 the opponents, which is common when playing in a non-vision score condition.

Furthermore, playing this visionless style improves No_Arm_Whatley’s ability to know the location of the opponent jungler.

Image via Riot Games

I feel like I got a far better sense of jungle tracking and paying attention to how the enemy jungler was pathing around the map. There was never a moment where I felt like I was safe due to being fully warded, so I was more vigilant about my positioning and the types of trades I took in lane since I couldn’t precisely know when the enemy jungler was coming”

This has to be the first time the community has seen a player get to such high tier like Master without relying on a single ward.