How Riot scratch Top lane-Soraka with changes in PBE 10.4

The most recent changes on the PBE server for patch 10. 4 are aiming for The Starchild in the top lane.

Accordingly, Soraka’s Q-Starcall will deal 60% damage to minions.  This change strikes her ability to clear and control lanes, but it would not affect her Supporting too much.

Besides, Riot also reduced the cooldown of Amumu’s Q – Bândage Toss from 10/9.  9/9/8. 5/8 seconds to 8 seconds at all levels. In particular, the ultimate Curse of the Sad Mummy will be refunded to 150/130/110 cooldown, as well as the skill range will return 550.

Phase Rush will be adjusted to add more options to melee champions. The amount of movement speed increased for these champions will be 30-50%, depending on the level – faster than the figure of 25-40% for ranged champions.  The time it takes to activate Phase Rush with 3 attacks or spells increases to 4s. Meanwhile, the validity period will be reduced to 3 seconds.

Unflinching of Steady branch gains 18% Effect Effect and Slow Resist after casting Spell, instead of 15% as it is now.