How smurf Yasuo players are destroying low-tier Rank

For higher-ranked players who desire to participate in lower elos, smurfing is a popular practice in League of Legends. Unfortunately, the lowest levels of the player base, whether competitive or not, are harmed by the number of players smurfing with carry champions, particularly Yasuo.

Yasuo smurfs create significant imbalance and annoyance to League of Legends Ran

Yasuo is a hyper carry that can almost single-handedly win a game for his team, as many League of Legends players have learned. If played effectively, his innate mobility and crazy damage may cut opposing champions in seconds.

Yasuo requires some skills to play and considerably more to master, making him an excellent pick for smurfs to utilize. This is why high elo players choose the champion to dominate lower elo players.

Because lower elos may not encounter many good players who can easily 1v5, smurfs that choose him tend to tear through games easily. When this happens, the lower-ranked players, who are confident in their elo, face godlike opponents and usually lose their laning phase.

Players may become comfortable with having a smurf on their team, but this merely means that the allied players’ attitude shifts to focus on their carry. Learning how to take and compete for objectives, like the opposition team, may be ignored.

League of Legends Yasuo players, on the other hand, occasionally take him into lower elos to test him out and practice his skills. The primary issue here is that players frequently flame their team when they don’t perform well, which harms the lower-ranked players in another way.

Toxic in League of Legends is already making the game unplayable at times, but with Yasuo players flocking to lower elos, it’s spreading like crazy. They may have scores as low as 0/10, resulting in the opposite yet equally destructive impact of a good player. This destroys the game on a different level and introduces unneeded negativity into League of Legends.

This is a significant issue that League of Legends players confront nowadays when attempting to have fun. Toxicity grows in players that actively feed, and it’s something Riot has to address at the lower elos.