How to be a Split Push God Jax

If you are the type of player who love the taste of loneliness , always wants to fight independently like a badass and single-handedly bring victory to your team, Grandmaster at arms- Jax is for you. 

Jax is a relatively diverse fighter with so many choice of building items that take advantage of this champion, he can also be a tanker to protect the main force (but few people like to play Jax like this), most of them build their Jax to become an extremely strong single-armed fighter. 

We are Notagamer but we’d love to show you how to master this Grandmaster

Massively Runes Reforged

From the writer’s point of view and after considering some of the best Jax players all over the world such as RANGERZ, TF Blade,…;  i found that Conqueror is the best choice at this moment. Of course, changes could be made in some situations depend on the enemy and the teamates but we can all see that how serious is Conqueror being abused after being overpowered. We dissected this within League of Legends Preseason 2020: How serious is conqueror being abused ? one time, so let take a look.

Building Items

Essential Items

Trinity Force: Jax’s first choice of equipment since its launch, increased many useful stats and above all, maximized the damage on Jax’s basic attacks. Think about Grandmaster at arms with 3 weapons, yes he would absolutely smash everbody in the League .

Tiamat: In the past, many players were familiar with Blade of Ruined King at Jax, but the weakness of this item was quite expensive.  As for Tiamat, just spent more than 1000 gold, Jax was able to comfortably clear minions.

Corrupting Potion: The best begining item for Jax, which helps sustain his time in lane and his trading, too.

Situational equipments

Offensive items:

Titanic Hydra: An upgrade from Tiamat, which allows Jax to be stronger with additional health, the ability to spread basic attacks and activate to deal damage according to maximum health.

Hextech Gunblade: Increases recovery, plus AP and activation ability which is suitable for chasing enemies.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Adding attack damage and the passive’s stacks activates attack effects twice.

Essence Reaver: Not recommended, but if you want to knock opponents critically, it is not bad.

Death’s Dance: Increases endurance, healing ability based on damage dealt.  Help Jax stay as long as possible.

Defense Items

Sterak’s Gage: Grow both damage and health w

hile providing massive amout of health and armor while the passive is activated, helping the Weapon Master live longer in combat.

Randuin Omen: When your opponents are champions that deal lots of physical damage, this shield will limit their damage.

Adaptive Helm: Wear this hat and get ready to battle with champions that use lots of AP.

Guardian Angel: Another item to help Jax survive as long as possible

Wit’s End: Increases both offense and defense, recovers more from low health and adds attack damage.

Spirit Visage: Heal from all sources has been increased and, of course, to counter opponents using AP.

Laning Stage

Jax can deal well with most champions from fighters to tanks. If faced tanks, do what you usually do, farm and trade with them, have the opportunity to defeat, then seize.  If you feel it is hard to take down some, buy Tiamat, push quickly and create pressure on their turrets. At this point, remember to control your vision to avoid ganking.

When confronting gladiators, you will need to be a bit more careful.  However, with the ability to dodge the basic attacks of Counterattack (E) and shorten the distance from Jump and Strike (Q), Jax is not too afraid of strong gladiator champions at the moment.  Just play very carefully, do not lose too much blood Jax will always have the opportunity to defeat opponents in hand-to-hand combat.

Push, Push and Push

Having owned the Trinity Force and Tiamat, Jax will maximize his odd pushing ability.  In addition, this time Jax is also one of the heavy duel that few can defeat. When pushing individually, you will essentially put your team in a 4v5 position so your team needs to be aware of what you are doing.  The push also means you attract all the attention of the opponent, forcing them to appoint 1-2 members to restrain you. At this point, your team will have time to control the target.

In the event your opponent chooses to ignore you and try to take advantage of people to fight, you need to know the opportunities and challenges of this to return to support your teammates before it’s too late.  And if your teammates are awake and escape the situation of forced fighting of the opponent, your to do now is to push as fast as possible, the opponents will not imagine how fast the turrets general will disappear.

Being ganker when pushing, let’s try the enemy to see how strong you are

Try to keep your vision under control when you’re on a mission to stretch the opponent’s line-up.  Holding back and appearing at times when the most careless your opponents be, you will be able to push individually.  Besides, keep an eye on the small map to see how many enemies are present and where they are. In case of being asked, be confident and respond.  If not too weak, you absolutely can handle 2 or at least change your life for something else.