How to check the time playing League of Legends?

Have you ever ended a League of Legends match and contemplated the number of hours you spent playing Summoner’s Rift or ARAM?

Whether you like it or not, the answer is probably hundreds of hours that you could have spent doing other things, like reading a book, picking up a new language, or showing up at the gym.

The website Wasted On LoL provides all the information you require regarding your time spent playing League of Legends. The website will determine how much time you’ve spent playing League (and Teamfight Tactics) since you originally established and signed into your account by simply entering your summoner name (or anyone else’s for that matter).

The website will display your minutes, hours, and days of gameplay after you submit your summoner name, along with how your totals compare to those of other gamers in your area.

The website also includes information on the number of books, movies, and miles you could have walked to further slap you in the face.

However, keep in mind that despite how many hours you’ve put in to become the finest Blitzcrank, Ahri, or Singed player in the world, you definitely haven’t played as much as North America’s rise again, who has dedicated an incredible 468 days (11,232 hours) of their life to the game. That equates to reading 1,855 books, watching 6,423 movies, and walking 44,958 kilometers.