Here’s how to play the new Sivir – the most broken ADC in Patch 12.13

Sivir quickly made it to the top of the leaderboard after her most recent mid-scope updates

Sivir, along with Master Yi, is the champion who received some positive updates from Riot Games in Patch 12.13.

The forgotten marksman is changed from her basic stats, skills, and even her passive. Despite the modifications in the hotfix version later because of the over-buffed, Sivir is still the No. 1 ADC on the Korean server.

Image via Riot Games

According to League statistics OP.GG, she is currently ranked as the number 1 ADC on the leaderboard. How did she become so strong all of the sudden?

Overall, Sivir was changed to become a purely lethal marksman with large auto-attacks from Ricochet (W) which would be her main source of damage. The damage nerfs on Boomerang Blade (Q) make Sivir’s laning phase a little weaker, but her potential will scale throughout the game as soon as her Ricochet is maxed, making her the ultimate ADC.

Runes and keystone

For a usual ADC, Precision will always be their main rune. Sivir will prioritize the use of Lethal Tempo so as to maximize the damage from her attack speed. Lethal Tempo, followed by Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline, and Coup de Grace.

Inspiration will be her secondary rune. Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery is best suited with The Battle Mistress.


The combo that is being used most effectively by players is the Kraken Slayer and The Phantom Dancer. Perhaps not too much to say because these 2 items have made champions like Kai’Sa or Jinx extremely strong on the Summoner’s Rift.

In particular, the standard amount of damage from the Kraken Slayer proves to be extremely effective in this meta. Phantom Dancer again gives a large amount of movement speed and especially the attack speed boost after the 4th shot, which is really great indicators for Sivir.

For the next item, players can consider items including Essence Reaver to increase the amount of damage and mana recovery, Infinity Edge with Lord Dominik’s Regards to maximize the amount of damage from Boomerang Blade if the opponent has too many armors. In addition, players can then consider a defensive item such as Guardian Angel or Bloodthirster later on if the enemy team has too many burst potentials.

Sivir is gaining her popularity back steadily after her recent mid-scope updates and will soon dominate the bot lane meta, if no further nerfs is intended.