How to play out-meta champions to achieve maximum efficiency!

It’s not always effective to follow the current meta.

Everyone used to have a horrific story in solo-queue when they have to deal with Cassiopeia Jungle or Darius/Leesin at Bot lane. Most people experience these kinds of matches will let just it go and continue to find another match; while others will pay attention to these ideas and try them out. Those are the players who want to use bizarre and off-meta options to win. This guide can be applied to all kind of pick: Off-meta and also meta pick. All you need is non-stop practicing.

Before going into the article, you need to note that this is not what you should do in every game. These options only work in certain situations.

Know what makes an option Out-meta

Many players understand the meta, but not everyone knows what the concept of Off-meta selection is. Just to remind you, meta represents the strategy for the “most currently effective tactic” and is often thought to be the easiest way to win a game. Recently, the meta of League of Legends has gradually focused on Top lane and Jungler to create a barrier for Mid lane and ADCs. Besides, Supports focusing on strong team combat.

As the meta gradually focused on Tank jungle, Kha’zix could be considered as off-meta

One thing to note in the meta is that each lane will have a champion that is said to be the strongest and most popular. Because the meta changes constantly, it’s important to pay attention to these changes to identify which champions are suitable. This means that strong ADCs like Varus and Miss Fortune can be strong in a patch update, while crit-based champions like Caitlyn or Draven can emerge in the next version. Applying to the current meta, it can be seen that the Jungle “hunters” (Rengar, Kha’zik, Evelynn …), Support buffs (Soraka, Lulu ..), or the Mid lane champions tend to support such as (Zilena, Karma … ) are considered as Off-meta champions.

Practice your champion

This part of the article may be similar to the tutorials that everyone has come across when talking about how to play, so we will skip the redundancy and talk only about how to practice Out-meta champions effectively. A Custom or Normal game is a safe and effective way to practice and master the playstyle of your champion, which is the most important step for your “abnormal” when playing League of Legends.

Riven is a favored pick despite being a little underwhelming in the current meta

Let’s take an example of Rakan Mid, your purpose to choose this champion is to provide support and his abilities to open the combat. While practicing, you can easily realize that Rakan is not strong in finishing weak enemies and also has a bad laning phase; however, this guy is very strong in supporting ganks as well as opening combat. A basic Combo with Grand Entrance (W) and The Quickness (R) combining with Flash make sure of a successful gank.

Another important thing when practicing Out-meta champions in Normal mode is that you will know which champion you choose will be strong in every match-up. The more you play, the more different champions you will face. This gives you the opportunity to figure out and to deal with many different team comps. Of course, Off-Meta champions don’t always work well with their teammates, don’t be afraid to lose practice matches, the information and experience you get after those games could be very important for the future.

Fight wisely

When choosing Out-meta champions, consider carefully how your team will be. Not only do you need to choose your suitable champion, but you should also consider whether it makes your team difficult to function. Taking the example of Rakan Mid again, the “bird” man should be chosen when Support can deal AP damage or a lineup that can provide AP damage from other positions. Should not choose Rakan Mid when the opponent is much Tankier.

Mid lane Rakan is not a bad choice

The purpose of choosing Out-meta champions is to give your team an advantage or even a disadvantage. If you leave the team combat for only a slight advantage in lane, you’ll end up in breaking even. This means you can’t help the team as much as a popular options can do. One more note is that you should be careful about how to combat during the game. Like Rakan, who is very strong in team-combat as well as diving turrets when ganking, Rakan is not very strong in pushing turrets and solo kills opponents. To cope with this, play safely under the turret to allow the Jungler gank when the enemy pushes it high. You will learn these things when practicing in Normal game, knowing when to fight and when not to will make you know how to win.

The note after the match

Whether you win or lose, you should look at the game from a global perspective. Review your replays to see what you can improve. What you need to focus on is the kills, combat or laning phase. Look at the deaths so you know what you can do to avoid them. Whether your Wards can detect enemies. Is it a balanced combat? There are always things you can learn from your replays.

Reviewing your VODs not only helps you learn from mistakes, it also helps you relax. Constantly playing the game will definitely reduce your sanity, restart after losing so the discomfort will pass and towards the following matches with more experiences than ever before.

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