How to win your lane with “cheater recall”

Wave management is one of the most important things to learn in League of Legends since it can change the whole game just by knowing how to push or freeze waves.

As a result, pro players devote a significant amount of effort to mastering the skills of laning-control in order to outsmart their opponents. To earn the most gold and experience, each player must control their minion waves, correctly ward the lane, and push carefully. “Cheater recall” is one of the most famous strategies of wave control in League of Legends.

“Cheater recall” is trusted and used by professional players around the world

“Cheater Recall” is a wave manipulation technique coined by LS. It allows the user to play the early stage of laning phase with a resource advantage

The thought of a cheater recall is highly reliant on the players’ wave clearing speed. Every third wave that enters the lane in the early rounds of League of Legends consists of a cannon minion. Due to the low damage of the champions in the early games, Cannon minions are hard to kill. Potentially, it has the potential to halt the minion wave for quite some time.

Cheater recall is usually used when they clear the enemy’s cannon minion as quickly as possible. This allows them to smash into the opponent tower with the allied wave. As a consequence, the opponent will have a tougher time striking last-hitting minions. And in the meanwhile, you can go back to base, get a full reset and go back to lane without losing any experience and gold.

This is a powerful strategy that most high-elo players are well-versed in. Though, many low-elo players don’t even know how to deal with their minion waves, rather than using cheater recall. If someone has the advantages of this strategy, they can nearly guarantee a win game for them.