“I Installed League 9 Years Ago and It Was Absolutely Worth It.”

I installed League shortly before Season 1 began and I have been playing ever since. Will I ever master the game? Hell no, but that isn’t why I play.” – u/Emeraldw.

For real, League of Legends is one of those games that you don’t quit it. You will just get back to it one day.

A Reddit user, Emeraldw, who has been playing League since the first season expressed his experience and what he has learned in League that even school or real-life experience couldn’t beat.

1. Teamwork

Wowbo Combo Gif from Elohell.net

“One of my favorite articles I wrote is about how League teaches real teamwork. Not like those school projects that you had/have in school where one person would be better off doing it for everyone.

There is no carrying a game like League by yourself, you have to work together whether you like it or not. Help yourself by helping your team.”

Besides a long-time League player, this 36 years old Reddit user also works as a Human Resources Manager. He stated that he applies the teamwork lesson at work as well as in-game. He learned how to help himself at work by helping his co-workers.

He thought about how he could help their work tasks become easier, just like how team-fights or gankings work in League. Players really have to think ahead about what they could do to have a successful trade, gank, or team fight to be able to benefit their team.

2. Ask What You Want Out of the Game

Gif from The Geek Embassy

“I don’t play ranked to win games, I play normals. There is no hope for me to become pro, I am going to be 36 this year. And given my job, do I really even have time to play to become one? Nope! So if you ask me why I play, the answer is simple: I like playing.”

The player admitted that this game has helped him explore what he really enjoys about team games, and learned more about himself that only a competitive game can help teach.

You don’t really have a reason for why you like playing League. We all have to admit that we dislike the game at some points in our life due to the bad teammates or the bad games you played.

However, we cannot deny that League of Legends, in the other hand, is really fun, competitive, and somehow teaches us real-life skills/experiences. Personally, I learned how to check my mirror every few seconds while driving just like how I check the minimap while playing League.

3. Making the Most of It

Emeraldw wrote:” I have played for now 9 years and just recently have real-life friends started playing with me. It can be hard playing with new players but the memories I am making by playing with friends are more valuable.”

So, what are the most important things you can gain out of a competitive game like LoL? It is not just about mood lifting, but also socializing, and creating memories with others.

In conclusion, goals are sometimes, not worth it. Sometimes, you play the game you love to play just because you enjoy the game itself and the people who you are playing with.

“League can be infinitely frustrating because it is a team game, but when things line up with others, it is the best high.” – u/Emeraldw.

What did you learn from playing League of Legends? Did you apply skill you have learned from the game into real-life?

Let us know in the comments below!

Credit: Reddit – “I installed League 9 years ago and it was worth it.”

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