League of Legends: INTZ won the Brazilian championship with a very special final

How was the final special? Let’s find out with Notagamer about INTZ’s amazing victory and the special thing about the final.

After all, the Brazilian region has finally identified the team that won tickets to the 2020 World Championship, which is INTZ. After 4 intense games, Mica0 and his teammates defeated paiN Gaming with the score 3-1. Remarkable, in game 4, coach Maestro’s team amazingly destroyed the opponents with total 16-2 kills after 27 minutes.

Members of INTZ cheering up with their precious trophy

With a beautiful fighting style and a variety of tactics, INTZ promises to be an annoying opponent in the upcoming tournament in China. However, thatwas not the only thing special about the CBLoL’s final. Specifically, the place where the match took place is another surprise that stirred up the whole community.

At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading around the globe and causing many tournaments to be competed online, including the LEC or the LCK. However, the organizers of CBLoL decided to make some changes. The last match was held on the… terrace of a high-rise building.

The stage where they won the championship

From a distance, the gorgeous stage between INTZ and paiN Gaming creates an extremely exciting and ideal scene for a professional match. Even when you look down from that building, you can see traffic on the street. It is even more remarkable that Brazil is one of the countries that are most affected by COVID-19.

This is probably the first match in League of Legends history that is not held in a gymnasium or a regular stadium but on a terrace. No matter what, the decision of the organizers has brought interesting experiences for gamers. The team that won the championship was also literally “at its peak” by playing at the top of the building.

Here is the match that led them to the Worlds:

paiN Gaming x INTZ (4th Game)