Is there any possibility of Sona rework after Seraphine’s debut?

The community supposed that Sona will be reworked because of Seraphine as this issue has happened before (the Graves treatment.)

Following the official release of the newest champion of the League of Legends, Seraphine, many fans have already complained about the lack of unique features in her kit. For example, fans compared the Starry-Eyed Songstress to Sona, which could lead Riot Games to consider reworking the older champion.

Earlier today, Seraphine was unveiled as the 152nd champion of the game, complete with a K/DA-themed ultimate skin. She’s going to be “collaborating” with the popular virtual music group to help them create a new track on their upcoming EP. She’s also been hyped up for months after fans found social media accounts that acted as a champion teaser.

Even though Riot introduced Seraphine to the world in a unique way, many in the League fan base have not been inspired by her kit. Her abilities are similar to some of Sona’s kit, and it doesn’t help that music-based magic is used by both champions.

As a result, many people expect that Sona might be one of the next champions in line for rework in 2021. The Maven of strings was released ten years ago–back when there were just only 60 champions in the game –but for some time, she hasn’t been a meta pick unless gold-generating items were broken.

Some people think that turning Sona into a character similar to Dota 2’s Invoker could be something that Riot might experiment with. Invoker is a hero that has three generic abilities on Q, W, and E. But his ultimate depends on the last three spells he casts— and each combination has a different effect. He can cast up to 14 different spells, based on the combos he uses.

For Sona, Riot could choose to adopt a similar style of play, however, instead of combinations of spells, they could be called power chords. Every chord could result in a different attack or effect, such as playing guitar chords— or, in Sona’s case, playing guitar chords.

Overall, Sona and Seraphine do have plenty of gameplay differences, but reworking Sona to match today’s champions standard wouldn’t be a bad thing either.

Seraphine is scheduled to be released on League Patch 10.22 on Thursday, October 29.