It Has Never Been So Long Since We Got a Yordle Champion

Yordles used to be released every two years. Lulu and Zigg (2012), Gnar (2014), and Kled (2016); but there was no Yordle champion released in 2018.

What are the Yordle?

The Yordle are a race of spirits who generally take the appearance of mammalian bipeds. They mostly reside in a mystical place known as Bandle City, though some of them have ventured out to live in numerous locations around Runeterra.

Bandle City. Copyright to Riot Games

Yordle Champions

As of January 2020, there are 14 Yourdle Champions in the League of Legends in total.

Here’s the list of LoL Yorldes release date:

  1. Teemo (2009)
  2. Tristana (2009)
  3. Amumu (2009)
  4. Veigar (2009)
  5. Corki (2009)
  6. Heimerdinger (2009)
  7. Poppy (2010)
  8. Kennen (2010)
  9. Rumble (2011)
  10. Fizz (2011)
  11. Ziggs (2012)
  12. Lulu (2012)
  13. Gnar (2014)
  14. Kled (2016)

Even though Yuumi – The Magical Cat (2019) is from Bandle City, she is a cat who was the pet of a Yordle enchantress, Nora.

Yuumi Fanart by Blaedic

Yuumi became intelligent because of close proximity to a consistent source of high magic. However, beyond this, there is no difference from a regular cat.

What kind of Yordle do we need?

League of Legends has the royalty of Demacia, the High General of Noxus, the Queens of Frejord, and some elders of Ionia, but what about Bandle City’s Leader/Mayor?

Besides Amumu, Poppy, and Kled, we need a Jungler who is not off-meta in the current meta.

Perhaps a Yordle Jungler that is related to Voodoo land? Maybe she could be the owner of Yuumi, Nora?

Tristana Background. Copyright to Riot Games

What do you think? Do Riot Games need a new Yordle Champion?

What kind of Yordle would you want to see on the Fields of Justice?