Janna Massive Overhaul coming in LoL Patch 13.22

In the forthcoming LoL Patch 13.22, Janna is on the verge of experiencing a significant transformation, almost like a mini-rework.

For quite some time, Janna, like many other enchanter champions, has been labeled as “boring” due to her relatively simple abilities and gameplay. Aside from her iconic tornado, her kit has been fairly straightforward: she offers shields, healing, and various support utilities to empower her allies.

However, Riot Games has decided to infuse more excitement into Janna’s gameplay while keeping her core utility role intact. In this upcoming patch, they are introducing a list of changes to her kit, aimed at enhancing her damage output and extending her range. This shift in focus involves reallocating some of her utility prowess towards her offensive capabilities.

Image via Riot Games

Janna massive changes in LoL Patch 13.22

Basic Stats

Passive: Tailwind

Q: Howling Gale

W: Zephyr

E: Eye of the Storm

Image via Riot Games

These changes represent a notable shift in Janna’s playstyle, encompassing a mixture of buffs and nerfs. On the whole, her improved ability to poke at her enemies, combined with her unchanged utility functions, seems to tilt the balance slightly in favor of a more versatile Janna.

However, within the ever-evolving League of Legends, assessing the net impact of these changes is challenging. The modifications are set to be introduced with the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.22, officially scheduled to be deployed on Wednesday, November 8th.