Janna could become the most versatile Support champion with this 1 simple change

Janna, a widely recognized enchanter support within League of Legends, has earned her reputation for being a great support, specializing in enhancing her teammates’ strengths.

Revered for her healing, shielding, and buffing abilities, Janna’s gameplay has traditionally been characterized as somewhat simple. However, a surge of creative ideas has emanated from the League community, particularly the game’s official subreddit, proposing a transformative concept that could elevate her into a more versatile and impactful pick.

Janna changes to a more versatile champion

The focal point of this idea revolves around a potential modification to her Eye of the Storm (E). The proposed adjustment involves imbuing the ability with the capacity to provide its target with a bonus to Adaptive Force, a departure from its current functionality that enhances only AD. This alteration is envisioned to make Janna a more versatile partner for a more dynamic playstyle in the bot lane, depending on whether they lean towards AP or AD.

Since her introduction in 2009, Janna has undergone minimal changes to her kit, rendering her gameplay relatively straightforward compared to the intricate mechanics of many other champions.

Image via Riot Games

The proposition to inject an extra layer of depth into her ability, Eye of the Storm, is seen as a potentially transformative update, aligning her gameplay complexity with the evolving standards of the support role.

Image via Riot Games

However, players proposed change argue that if implemented, she could swiftly ascend the ranks to become one of the most formidable enchanter supports in League of Legends. The envisioned versatility she would bring to team compositions could redefine her role, potentially making her less predictable and more adaptable to varying strategies.

Furthermore, an adjustment to Janna’s core kit might reduce her reliance on specific items like Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water, traditionally associated with enhancing her allies’ power.

Image via Riot Games

It’s pertinent to acknowledge that Janna’s Eye of the Storm underwent a substantial change in December, where the shield power was increased, but the bonus AD it conferred was reduced. For now, the question of whether this specific community-suggested change will find its way into the official League of Legends gameplay remains shrouded in uncertainty.