LoL players want Jhin to be the ‘perfect’ champion with this simple change

Jhin, the meticulous virtuoso of League of Legends, is renowned for his fixation with the number 4, a motif that permeates every aspect of his character design.

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His kit revolves around this numerical obsession, evident in the 4 bullets chambered in his weapon, the 4 bounces of his grenade, and the 4 shots that punctuate his ultimate ability.

Recently, a League community member proposed a thematic adjustment to Jhin’s trap, Captive Audience (E), suggesting it should possess 4 hit points instead of its current 3.

The proposition garnered mixed reactions within the League community. While some hailed it as a flavorful enhancement aligning with Jhin’s character, others expressed concerns about its potential impact on game balance.

Critics argued that altering the trap’s hit points might inadvertently bolster Jhin’s strength, upsetting the gameplay dynamics. They contended that the existing three-hit-point configuration ensures counterplay options, enabling certain champions to efficiently dismantle the trap.

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Melee champions, for instance, possess an inherent advantage, dealing additional damage to traps and swiftly neutralizing Jhin’s strategic placements.

The proposed modification would likely tilt the scales in Jhin’s favor, granting him increased control over skirmishes by bolstering the resilience of his traps. Presently, two allied players or a single champion with an auto-attack reset can dispatch the trap expediently, maintaining a semblance of balance in engagements. Champions like Leona and Vayne capitalize on their ability to reset auto-attacks, efficiently clearing Jhin’s traps and mitigating his zone control.

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Despite the thematic allure of aligning Jhin’s trap with the number 4, the prevailing sentiment suggests that gameplay integrity should supersede thematic cohesion.

Given Jhin’s absence from balance adjustments in 2024, it appears unlikely that altering his trap’s hit points will be a priority, underscoring the delicate balance between thematic resonance and gameplay in League of Legends’ ongoing development.

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As such, while the concept resonates thematically, practical considerations prevail in the realm of game design and balance.