New Kalista Buffs for League of Legends Patch 13.11

In the League of Legends patch 13.11 PBE cycle, Kalista has gotten several improvements.

Image via Riot Games

Players must deal with several effects of all the changes following Patch 13.10. In Season 13, it altered how players interacted with League of Legends. With all the item changes, particularly in the ADC role, the meta has drastically changed.

Due to the numerous modifications Riot made to Patch 13.11, Kalista has been modified with some buffs on the PBE servers. 

Kalista Buffs in Patch 13.11

Base Stats:

Basic Attack:

Q – Pierce:

E – Rend:

Image via Riot Games

There have been several minor adjustments made to Kalista, as you can see in the alterations listed above. In general, she will start the game with higher health and deal more damage. It appears that there will be a balance problem with any upcoming buffs or nerfs caused by the Basic attack damage increase while the base AD values are being reduced.

It appears like Riot is tidying up some of the highly specific and odd numbers on her kit in preparation for future modifications. Her adjustments to E-Rend basically attest to that and make it more dependent on her obtaining AD in order to get greater spear damage.

Image via Riot Games

In sum, Patch 13.11 may bring about a number of little adjustments that add up to something big to Kalista.